Ancient Egypt

Taking Egypt out of the Jews.

April 29 2020 12:01AM

Showing the Israelite God’s masterful transvaluation of the Egyptian pantheon.

Raheli Shalomi-Hen and Ilan Ben Zion
April 3 2020 12:01AM

Storehouses for the wealth of priests.

David Falk
April 1 2020 12:01AM

And the role of General Allenby of Armageddon.

Eric Cline
March 26 2020 12:01AM

“By the way, the beer isn’t bad.”

Robin Ngo
May 30 2019 12:01AM

When Canaan was an Egyptian province.

Daniel Shani
Oct. 25 2018 12:35AM

Scholars have deciphered three ancient psalms.

Karel van der Toorn
May 3 2018 12:01AM

“After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt, shall ye not do.”

Eve Levavi Feinstein
April 30 2018 12:01AM

Two important new books on the Bible.

Benjamin Sommer
March 29 2018 12:01AM

Temple storehouses, perhaps.

David Falk
March 26 2018 12:01AM

Reeds, dreams, and beards.

Gary Rendsburg
Dec. 22 2017 12:01AM

Destroyed by Egypt, rebuilt by Solomon.

Amanda Borschel-Dan
July 20 2017 12:01AM