
“Arm yourselves, and be ye men of valor.”

Jan. 26 2018 12:01AM

It’s not the U.S. government’s job to save Israel from itself.

Jonathan Tobin
Jan. 24 2018 12:01AM

There is no neutral or “universal” way to read—or exhibit—the Bible. What, then, can an American museum of the Bible strive to accomplish?

Jan. 22 2018 12:01AM

Anyone expecting to find a politicized museum dedicated to hot-button “culture-war” issues needs to look elsewhere than the new Museum of the Bible.

Jan. 15 2018 12:01AM

The Bible molded modern English and shaped American society and culture. Now, as attacks on the Museum of the Bible suggest, it has been cripplingly tossed aside.

Jan. 8 2018 12:01AM

About Marco Rubio’s Twitter Bible-lessons.

Charlotte Allen
July 18 2017 12:01AM

The problem with making the Bible a Great Book.

July 6 2017 12:01AM

A Latin pun and John Milton.

Nina Martyris
May 2 2017 12:01AM

And doesn’t allow for Jewish readings.

Glenn Moots
April 7 2017 12:01AM

In defense of Aquinas and Maimonides.

Eleonore Stump
Aug. 15 2016 12:01AM

A lesson from the Ugandan president.

Dror Eydar
July 8 2016 12:01AM

Solomon builds it for the Lord, but the Lord is not so impressed.

Feb. 11 2016 12:01AM

Romantic, idealistic Christianity says no. Sober, practical Judaism says yes.

Dec. 30 2015 12:01AM

The answer hasn’t always been clear.

Dec. 16 2015 12:01AM