“Arm yourselves, and be ye men of valor.”
It’s not the U.S. government’s job to save Israel from itself.
There is no neutral or “universal” way to read—or exhibit—the Bible. What, then, can an American museum of the Bible strive to accomplish?
Anyone expecting to find a politicized museum dedicated to hot-button “culture-war” issues needs to look elsewhere than the new Museum of the Bible.
The Bible molded modern English and shaped American society and culture. Now, as attacks on the Museum of the Bible suggest, it has been cripplingly tossed aside.
About Marco Rubio’s Twitter Bible-lessons.
The problem with making the Bible a Great Book.
A Latin pun and John Milton.
And doesn’t allow for Jewish readings.
In defense of Aquinas and Maimonides.
A lesson from the Ugandan president.
Solomon builds it for the Lord, but the Lord is not so impressed.
Romantic, idealistic Christianity says no. Sober, practical Judaism says yes.
The answer hasn’t always been clear.