Biblical Hebrew

A memorial to a beloved teacher.

Oct. 22 2024 12:01AM

Red, pale, or shiny?

Phil Lieberman
April 10 2024 12:01AM

And does their presence illuminate the book of Exodus—or is it simply a sign that ancient Egypt was a powerful nation?

April 4 2023 12:21AM


Sheila Tuller Keiter
Oct. 24 2022 12:01AM

What exactly are totafot?

Stanley Dubinsky and Hesh Epstein
Jan. 19 2022 12:01AM

What separates language from language, and language from dialect.

Feb. 5 2020 12:01AM

Perhaps they weren’t so multitudinous after all.

David Zucker
Jan. 31 2020 12:01AM

The two scribes of the Samaria ostraca.

Amanda Borschel-Dan
Jan. 24 2020 12:01AM

Pseudo-archaic poetry, foreign vocabulary, and webs of references.

Edward Greenstein
Sept. 6 2019 12:01AM

Amid the familiar clutter of vowels and cantillation marks, a few strange dots appear. They have no obvious function, and yet they go back thousands of years. Their purpose is . . .

July 12 2019 12:01AM

Isaiah’s puns.

Robert Alter
March 14 2019 12:01AM

Truth becomes evident only through time.

Peter Leithart
June 2 2016 12:01AM

New evidence of ancient bees.

Bible History Daily
May 2 2016 12:01AM