British Jewry

And a portrait of Jewish immigrant life in Edinburgh.

Yakir Feldman and Stefan Reif
July 8 2021 12:01AM

A boy, his grandfather, and the Statue of Liberty.

Roger Bennett
July 1 2021 12:01AM

A planned memorial next to Parliament appears to have been treated as an easy way to show that the British are, indeed, on the right side of history.

May 7 2021 12:01AM

A historian of Jewish photography recalls an interview with the late prince.

Michael Berkowitz
April 28 2021 12:01AM

It’s been one year since the anti-Semitic Labor leader stepped down. Things have much improved since then, but it’s also become clear that the forces he unleashed are in the U.K. to stay.

March 18 2021 12:01AM

Jews should draw inspiration from the Christian rather than the Jew.

March 1 2021 12:01AM

A debate.

Natan Slifkin and Eli Spitzer
Jan. 29 2021 12:01AM

Exploring the Anglo-Jewish affinity.

Contemporary Thinkers
Jan. 5 2021 12:01AM

A supposed expert compares the universities that have allowed hatred of Jews to fester to victims of Soviet anti-Semitism.

David Hirsh
Dec. 10 2020 12:01AM

For those steeped in the tradition, hatred of Jews is simply a fact of exile.

Nov. 5 2020 12:01AM

The specter of a secularist campaign to sexualize children isn’t an excuse for failure.

Oct. 15 2020 12:01AM

Meet William (Wolf) Fisher.

Marc Goldberg
July 16 2020 12:01AM

Pulling down statues and bashing Israel.

June 17 2020 12:01AM

The disease has had a disproportionate impact on British Jewry.

Eliyahu Lann
May 22 2020 12:01AM