
Cutting out one’s tongue is no way to repent for slander.

David Schraub
Oct. 14 2016 12:01AM

Don’t blame Israel for anti-Semitism.

Judith Bergman
July 29 2015 12:01AM

In the wake of the terror attacks in Paris, some Israeli politicians have called on French Jews to move to Israel. Critics argued that it. . .

Feb. 9 2015 12:01AM

A Jewish intellectual and a rabbi discuss the future of diaspora Jewry, the possibilities of secular Jewish culture, and the ways in which Israel has. . .

Hillel Halkin and Chaim Brovender
Sept. 18 2014 12:01AM

The Israeli government has been laudably increasing its efforts to “connect” Diaspora Jewry with the Jewish state; but does it have a strategy?

June 26 2014 12:01AM

Zionism is at once the greatest repudiation of the Jewish past and the greatest affirmation of it.

Nov. 24 2013 10:31PM

“The state was built largely thanks to the support of the Jewish Diaspora,” says Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister. “Today, we’ve forgotten just how much.” (Interview. . .

Zeev Elkin
Nov. 21 2013 12:00AM

Why Israel is the foundation upon which the house of Jewish culture can be most safely built.

Nov. 20 2013 9:55PM

Dear Hillel: Don’t you think that Israel needs American Jews to help it withstand the campaigns of hate it faces?

Nov. 13 2013 8:57PM

A new-old paradigm is taking hold in Israel: a secularism based on a renewed embrace of Judaism.

Nov. 10 2013 10:37PM

Hillel Halkin's scorn for American Jewry.

Nov. 6 2013 3:21PM

The Case for Life in Israel

Nov. 3 2013 11:33PM

In his new history, Simon Schama proposes that words themselves form the focus of Jewish self-understanding—a suggestive thesis, but why does he miss so many glaring instances?

Nicholas de Lange
Oct. 31 2013 12:00AM

“Israel’s military ethos is the product of not only the country’s geopolitical situation but also a long heritage of Jewish engagement with military affairs.” (Interview. . .

Oct. 29 2013 12:00AM