Cutting out one’s tongue is no way to repent for slander.
Don’t blame Israel for anti-Semitism.
In the wake of the terror attacks in Paris, some Israeli politicians have called on French Jews to move to Israel. Critics argued that it. . .
A Jewish intellectual and a rabbi discuss the future of diaspora Jewry, the possibilities of secular Jewish culture, and the ways in which Israel has. . .
The Israeli government has been laudably increasing its efforts to “connect” Diaspora Jewry with the Jewish state; but does it have a strategy?
Zionism is at once the greatest repudiation of the Jewish past and the greatest affirmation of it.
“The state was built largely thanks to the support of the Jewish Diaspora,” says Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister. “Today, we’ve forgotten just how much.” (Interview. . .
Why Israel is the foundation upon which the house of Jewish culture can be most safely built.
Dear Hillel: Don’t you think that Israel needs American Jews to help it withstand the campaigns of hate it faces?
A new-old paradigm is taking hold in Israel: a secularism based on a renewed embrace of Judaism.
In his new history, Simon Schama proposes that words themselves form the focus of Jewish self-understanding—a suggestive thesis, but why does he miss so many glaring instances?
“Israel’s military ethos is the product of not only the country’s geopolitical situation but also a long heritage of Jewish engagement with military affairs.” (Interview. . .