Dwight Eisenhower and Meyer Birnbaum.
I like Ike, but does Ike like me?
Helping to memorialize the Shoah and to protect survivors.
Old fashioned anti-Semitism played a role, but the greater part had to do with a fear, justified or not, of provoking the Arabs.
Avoiding the mistakes of the past.
The book that Barack Obama won’t read, but Hillary Clinton should.
One of them learned from his mistakes, re-examined his fundamental assumptions, and changed course as necessary.
With some help from Dwight Eisenhower.
Reagan’s other revolution.
“The attempt to win over enemies by forcing concessions from friends is a losing strategy.” (Audio, 33 minutes; interview by Eric Cohen)
In siding with his enemies against his allies in the Suez crisis, Dwight D. Eisenhower committed (in his own words) his “major foreign-policy mistake.”. . .