Eichmann Trial

Muriel Spark in Jerusalem.

Christopher Scalia
Sept. 17 2021 12:01AM

The dangers lurking in false portrayals of the Nazi official show why Holocaust films must be held to account.

June 29 2020 12:12AM

Even discussions about one of Israel’s most triumphant moments are bound to be colored by the ongoing struggle over the morality of its actions.

June 22 2020 12:01AM

The need is great for accurate cinematic portrayals of not only Eichmann, his capture and his trial, but of the Holocaust itself.

June 15 2020 12:37AM

In a new movie, Margarethe von Trotta attempts to fight Arendt’s battles over Eichmann in Jerusalem; she doesn’t understand those battles any better than Arendt. . .

Margot Lurie
July 10 2013 12:00AM