
Lawmakers claim it will promote “humanity, dignity, and respect.” As if.

Monica Burke
Aug. 7 2019 12:01AM

Hans Asperger and the “euthanasia” program.

Simon Baron-Cohen
May 10 2018 12:01AM

Who has a child’s best interests at heart?

May 8 2018 12:01AM

The British elite will use the police to make sure a working-class child dies of starvation.

April 27 2018 12:01AM

Life with dignity vs. death with dignity.

Nov. 30 2017 12:01AM

The killing of psychiatric patients is becoming normal.

Nov. 13 2017 12:01AM

A Catholic hospital is ordered to facilitate the slaughter of the mentally ill.

Aug. 23 2017 12:01AM

Was his life worth living?

Charles C. Camosy
Aug. 7 2017 12:01AM

In Belgium, children experiencing “unbearable suffering” are allowed to authorize their own deaths. Can the U.S. withstand the slippery slope?

Yitzchok Adlerstein
July 16 2014 12:01AM