
The exiles from Judah clung to the conviction that it was their own God who had brought humanity into being.

Tom Holland
Dec. 27 2022 12:01AM

What the Maccabees called their enemies reveals much about how both cultures saw themselves and what the conflict between them meant for the world.

Dec. 21 2022 12:01AM

The taming of the shrewd.

Leon Kass
Dec. 19 2022 12:01AM

“You will give truth to Jacob, lovingkindness to Abraham.”

Ben Greenfield
Dec. 14 2022 12:01AM

What’s behind the mysterious “sons of God” and “daughters of men” in Genesis?

Nov. 4 2022 12:01AM


Sheila Tuller Keiter
Oct. 24 2022 12:01AM

Southern Israel’s ancient, and modern, capital.

Nathan Steinmeyer
Feb. 25 2022 12:01AM

“Our father Jacob never dies.”

Dec. 17 2021 12:01AM

Not a dream coat, but a tool of providence.

Sarah Rudolph
Dec. 3 2021 12:01AM

Toward a ḥaredi environmentalism.

Benayahu Tavila
Nov. 23 2021 12:01AM

The conservative patriarch.

Nov. 5 2021 12:01AM

The author and businessman joins us to talk about what can and can’t be learned about labor, wealth, trade, debt, and credit from the Hebrew Bible.

Oct. 29 2021 12:01AM

“What’s purple, hangs on the wall, and whistles?”

Chaim Steinmetz
Oct. 25 2021 12:01AM

Baḥya ben Asher, magic, science, and church bells.

Yaakov Taubes
Oct. 13 2021 12:01AM