Loans, schmattes, and medical care.
Preserving Venice’s historic synagogues.
For a word that is, in terms of its linguistic history, a relatively recent one, ghetto’s origins have been an unusual source of contention and uncertainty.
The 500th anniversary of the first ghetto.
And commemorates the establishment of the first ghetto.
A foundation created by the fashion designer Diane von Furstenberg has begun a project to restore Venice’s former ghetto in order to preserve the memory. . .
In 1555, Pope Paul IV ordered Jews to be confined to separate, closed-off neighborhoods. Soon ghettos appeared in cities throughout Italy, including Rome, where Jews. . .
Plans are afoot to construct a park where Moscow’s ghetto once stood. Will the new development make room for the area’s Jewish past?
Amid the joyous clamor of today’s ex-ghetto, the voices of its last inhabitants, hunted down by Nazi soldiers in October 1943, can still be heard.