Guardian of the Walls

The reasons are national and religious, not economic.

Yossi Kuperwasser
Feb. 14 2022 12:01AM

The legal case that served as a pretext for the last Gaza war drags on.

Jonathan Tobin
Nov. 5 2021 12:01AM

Courting Iran while distracting from the brutalization of Uighurs.

Ilan Berman and Joshua Eisenman
July 12 2021 12:01AM

The IDF should be appointing experts to the job.

Yaakov Katz
July 7 2021 12:01AM

By the logic of Israel’s critics, Nazi Germany was the victim in World War II and the U.S. the unlawful aggressor.

Alex Safian
June 29 2021 12:01AM

A lesson for those who would abandon the West Bank.

June 2 2021 12:01AM

“The French went back to France and the Americans to America. But the Jews have nowhere to go.”

May 25 2021 12:01AM

Why Guardian of the Walls succeeded where Protective Edge failed.

Akiva Bigman
May 24 2021 12:01AM