
An official report likened the ouster of the Turks to the defeat of the Seleucid Greeks by the Maccabees.

Dec. 13 2022 12:01AM

Together with a cache of looted artifacts.

Michael Horovitz
Nov. 28 2022 12:01AM

Setting the record straight.

Jerold Auerbach
Dec. 6 2021 12:01AM

Nicanor, commander of the elephant cavalry.

Elliot Goldberg
Dec. 2 2021 12:01AM

A Seleucid sling stone.

Times of Israel
Dec. 1 2021 12:01AM

The final, often-skipped stanza of the popular Hanukkah candle-lighting song Ma’oz Tsur presented the late rabbi with an unusual challenge.

Nov. 30 2021 12:01AM

A rabbi’s provocative thesis.

Hayyim Angel
Nov. 26 2021 12:01AM

The menorah and a tale of two flames.

Nov. 22 2021 12:01AM

“The stories of the Maccabees are coming to life before our eyes.”

Rossella Tercatin
Nov. 19 2021 12:01AM

The rabbi joins us to talk about the deeper theological meaning of the holiday through the lens of a fascinating essay by the Modern Orthodox thinker Joseph B. Soloveitchik.

Tikvah Podcast at Mosaic and Mark Gottlieb
Dec. 18 2020 1:42AM

“If Jews had the fortitude to believe in victory over the Greeks, then we could not now surrender our trust in defeating our enemy.”

Elie Wiesel
Dec. 18 2020 12:01AM

As an “unrecognized” religion, Judaism is illegal.

Aaron Reich
Dec. 18 2020 12:01AM

Footage of Hanukkah in Baghdad in the 1990s.

American Sephardi Federation
Dec. 17 2020 12:01AM

A plea from Britain’s chief rabbi.

Ephraim Mirvis
Dec. 16 2020 12:01AM