Seeing Ḥaredim and the “Jewish affinity” sector as sources of support.
Hopeful arguments to that effect have been proffered since the Pew survey two years ago. They’re wrong.
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, speaking at an event sponsored by the South Florida Jewish Federation, addressed the “problem” of intermarriage and assimilation. Her remarks were. . .
Jewish life in America is actually flourishing, thanks in part to the energy of children of intermarriage.
Younger Jews have rejected the idea of ethnic solidarity, thus ensuring that the American Jewish future will look radically different from what has come before.
Last year’s survey of American Jews brought dire news—rising intermarriage, falling birthrates, dwindling congregations. Our reanalysis confirms the message, and complicates it.
How Tova Weinberg’s one-woman battle against intermarriage led to the creation of an empire; its services are free.
What happens when a Judaism of personal choice replaces one of obligation? Just look at the Reform movement, with its 80-percent attrition rate.
Some Reform rabbis have taken to justifying intermarriage by invoking an utterly fanciful biblical prototype; they couldn’t have picked a more damaging or counterproductive religious strategy.
Pew’s recent survey suggests that the children of intermarriage are likelier than they used to be to identify themselves as Jewish—though still not very. . .
A new genetic study of Ashkenazi Jews traces their maternal lineage to Europe rather than the Near East—suggesting, if true, that Jewish men married local women.
Pew’s survey of American Jews raises more questions about the state of American Jewry than it answers.
A new survey of American Jewry finds that young adults are substantially less religious than their grandparents, the rate of intermarriage is climbing—and Orthodoxy is growing.