
Exonerating those accused of treason after the shelling of the Altalena.

Shlomo Nakdimon
June 18 2020 12:01AM

A myth engineered by Palestinian leaders.

Eliezer Tauber
May 30 2018 12:01AM

Was there a massacre at Deir Yassin?

Shmuel Rosner
March 14 2018 12:01AM

One new book debunks the nakba myth; another perpetuates it.

Arnon Groiss
Nov. 29 2017 12:01AM

Shattering a myth of the 1948 war.

Ofer Regev
Aug. 7 2017 12:01AM

How the Irgun ensured the rescue of thousands of Jews from Nazi death camps—by engineering negotiations with Heinrich Himmler.

Joanna M. Saidel
Nov. 6 2013 12:00AM

David Ben-Gurion’s 1948 order to attack and sink an armed Irgun ship marked a watershed, according to Abba Eban, “because you can’t be a government unless. . .

Joanna M. Saidel
June 21 2013 12:00AM