Israel-Arab relations

How generations of Arab thinkers and leaders tried to turn the humiliation of their losses to Israel into a springboard to launch their nations into an enchanted new age.

Sept. 11 2023 12:01AM

And the reasons it backfired.

Gianluca Pacchiani
Aug. 29 2023 12:01AM

Attitudes toward the Abraham Accords are most favorable in Gaza and Jerusalem.

Frances McDonough
Aug. 25 2023 12:01AM

U.S. involvement, and Saudi-Israeli rapprochement, could defeat it.

Kenneth Pollack
Aug. 22 2023 12:01AM

The challenges are surmountable, but not at any cost.

Enia Krivine
Aug. 9 2023 12:01AM

A path to normalization between Riyadh and Jerusalem.

Anthony Ruggiero and Andrea Stricker
July 19 2023 12:01AM

The government that strangled the sole Arab democracy shuns peace with Israel.

David Levy
July 10 2023 12:01AM

The embassy in Tel Aviv should be doing its job.

June 28 2023 12:01AM

Why shouldn’t Iraq join Azerbaijan and Arizona in benefitting from the might of a desalination superpower?

Hussain Abdul-Hussain
June 19 2023 12:01AM

When anti-Kurdish and anti-Jewish bigotry intersect.

Suzan Quitaz
June 6 2023 12:01AM

Edy Cohen tries to convince the Middle East that Jews aren’t monsters.

Vivian Bercovici
June 5 2023 12:05AM

Preventing direct flights to Mecca would be a step backward.

Mark Dubowitz and Tzvi Kahn
June 1 2023 12:01AM