How generations of Arab thinkers and leaders tried to turn the humiliation of their losses to Israel into a springboard to launch their nations into an enchanted new age.
And the reasons it backfired.
Attitudes toward the Abraham Accords are most favorable in Gaza and Jerusalem.
U.S. involvement, and Saudi-Israeli rapprochement, could defeat it.
A warm peace is possible.
The challenges are surmountable, but not at any cost.
A path to normalization between Riyadh and Jerusalem.
The government that strangled the sole Arab democracy shuns peace with Israel.
The embassy in Tel Aviv should be doing its job.
Why shouldn’t Iraq join Azerbaijan and Arizona in benefitting from the might of a desalination superpower?
When anti-Kurdish and anti-Jewish bigotry intersect.
Edy Cohen tries to convince the Middle East that Jews aren’t monsters.
Preventing direct flights to Mecca would be a step backward.
The latest public-opinion survey.