Rabbis Bill II.
An opportunity for renewal?
A general day of saying kaddish.
A visit from a chief rabbi in the remote home of Australia’s two oldest synagogues.
Israeli police and political leaders take such crime seriously. It’s time for Israel’s religious leadership to join them.
“The less we force Judaism, the more people will choose it.”
“Checklists are for driving licenses, not for religious courts.”
An open letter from Orthodox rabbinic leaders.
“We are trying . . . to decentralize the power of the chief rabbinate.”
Nowhere does halakhah call for a state monopoly.
A test of society’s religious and moral mettle—and of halakhic flexibility.
Transparency and competition will help reduce corruption and other ills.
Can a government with no clear leader get more done?
Daniel Gordis argued in this 2019 conversation that Israeli and American Jews are fundamentally divided. With a new government now in place, has he been proven correct?