The long history of Charleston’s Jews.
Preserving Venice’s historic synagogues.
Maria Piechotka, in memoriam.
One of Herod’s many architectural achievements.
And how Tel Aviv made the style its own.
The ruins at Baram.
Photographs of historic synagogues, illuminated manuscripts, and more.
The oldest synagogue in continuous use west of the Mississippi.
Herod the trendsetter?
Jerusalem’s Ades synagogue was constructed at the beginning of the 20th century for a community of Jews from Aleppo. Its woodwork reflects its congregants’ Syrian. . .
In the 19th century, Jewish communities were scattered across the American South, in small towns as well as big cities. Changing demographic patterns led many. . .
The husband-and-wife team of Rick and Laura Brown has reconstructed the synagogue of the Polish town of Gwoździec. In an interview, Rick Brown discusses the. . .