Jewish architecture

The long history of Charleston’s Jews.

May 13 2024 12:01AM

Preserving Venice’s historic synagogues.

Orge Castellano
April 26 2022 12:01AM

Maria Piechotka, in memoriam.

Jewish Heritage Europe
Dec. 2 2020 12:01AM

One of Herod’s many architectural achievements.

Biblical Archaeological Society
July 22 2020 12:01AM

And how Tel Aviv made the style its own.

Karen Chernick
Dec. 18 2018 12:01AM

Photographs of historic synagogues, illuminated manuscripts, and more.

Claire Voon
Sept. 29 2017 12:01AM

The oldest synagogue in continuous use west of the Mississippi.

Dan Fellner
Dec. 1 2016 12:01AM

Herod the trendsetter?

Orit Peleg-Barkat
May 11 2015 12:01AM

Jerusalem’s Ades synagogue was constructed at the beginning of the 20th century for a community of Jews from Aleppo. Its woodwork reflects its congregants’ Syrian. . .

Jan. 6 2015 12:01AM

In the 19th century, Jewish communities were scattered across the American South, in small towns as well as big cities. Changing demographic patterns led many. . .

Samuel Grubner
Dec. 30 2014 12:01AM

The husband-and-wife team of Rick and Laura Brown has reconstructed the synagogue of the Polish town of Gwoździec. In an interview, Rick Brown discusses the. . .

Rick Brown
Oct. 7 2014 12:01AM