Like Ladino, Haketiya grew out of the Spanish of Jews exiled from Spain. Like Yiddish, it has a range of loving, spiteful, sarcastic, ironic, anxious, and superstitious expressions.
Eighteen short stories, rendered from so many languages.
What might the great scholar have been intending with a recently discovered list he made of seemingly random words from random European languages?
I’ve seen that face before.
Sephardim were the first non-African group to adopt the local creole.
“Good Lord, the Christian woman understood!”
New borrowings and old ones.
With its new Yiddish course, the language-learning app Duolingo sparked major disagreements over Jewish identity. One of the course developers joins us to discuss what happened.
Daniel Hagège.
An Italian Yiddish was never in the cards, as the case of “Judeo-Mantuan” makes clear, because Jews were more closely integrated into Italian society than they were in Eastern Europe.
Alter Leyb Robinson and his friend, Shabbos.
Separated by a common language?
The many hypothesized sources for the saying, “To have butter on one’s head.”
An eruv is a wall made of doors.