Tel Tsaf was a large prehistoric village inhabited around 7,000 years ago, according to Israeli researchers.
What the extension of sovereignty protects.
The Jewish state is vulnerable without firm control of the Jordan Valley.
Peacekeepers and high-tech surveillance are no substitute for the IDF’s boots on the ground.
For reasons religious, historical, and strategic.
The Jordanian monarchy values its alliance with the Jewish state too much to burn any bridges.
The American plan acknowledges that serving Jerusalem’s security needs also serves those of Amman.
It recognizes Israel’s historical rights as well as its security.
Hatred is strong and peace is fragile.
But will liberal Jews, and Democratic presidential candidates, listen?
What those who argue otherwise get wrong.
Israel must be able to defend itself by itself.
It could once again turn the Land of Israel into a vital land bridge between Asia and Africa.
At stake: Israel’s security and sovereign existence.