The mystery of the Khazars.
The myth and reality of the Khazars.
An amalgam of anti-Semitic canards.
History, genetics, and linguistics agree.
As addicting as a Jewish Game of Thrones.
The Israeli historian Shlomo Sand has attracted attention by resuscitating long-discredited theories about the supposedly non-Middle Eastern origins of the Jewish people and ostentatiously declaring. . .
There are currently three main theories about how the language of Ashkenazi Jewry developed; the truth is likely to include elements of all three.
Are Ashkenazi Jews descended from a semi-nomadic Turkic tribe that converted to Judaism in the 10th century? The theory is beguiling; it’s also false.
The theory that Ashkenazi Jews descend from the Khazars, a semi-nomadic Turkic tribe of the 10th century, is not only malicious; there’s also no evidence for it.
Efforts to link contemporary Jewish DNA to the semi-nomadic Turkic tribe of the 10th century are as false as they are politically motivated.
“Dara, you’ll love this!” Actually, I don’t.
For some intellectuals, it all depends.