“We will turn our Shabbats and our holidays into cultural bonfires.”
Berl Katznelson’s defense of the Jewish calendar.
How secular Zionism came to terms with religion.
David Ben-Gurion desired the “redemption of the Jewish people.”
The forgotten history of the sufganiyah.
Even after a decade of electoral failure, the Labor party prefers to console itself with platitudes about the reasons why. It won’t be successful until it confronts the truth.
Adin Steinsaltz, in memoriam.
Labor’s collapse was sped up by the failure of Oslo, but its roots run deeper.
Israel’s Labor Party—the political organization that erected the governing structures of the country—has now been reduced to a mere three seats in the Knesset. What happened?
The ideals are gone, but kindergartens are full.
Remembering the truth about Jews and Communism.
The noted author and political thinker drops by our studio to talk about his other passion: Israeli music and the ways it has shaped the country.