
Like Ladino, Haketiya grew out of the Spanish of Jews exiled from Spain. Like Yiddish, it has a range of loving, spiteful, sarcastic, ironic, anxious, and superstitious expressions.

July 10 2024 12:01AM

The Izmir Jewish festival.

David I. Klein
Jan. 9 2023 12:01AM

Alter Leyb Robinson and his friend, Shabbos.

Chen Malul
Jan. 13 2020 12:01AM

Now the spirit of Salonika rests in Israel.

Nov. 20 2019 12:00AM

For kosher salami and pastrami, naturally.

Izak Baron
Sept. 3 2019 12:01AM

Ḥasidic songs, and much else, will be known to the world thanks to his work.

Greer Fay Cashman
June 18 2019 12:01AM

And the traditional importance of Maimonides’ principles of faith.

Ty Alhadeff
April 10 2017 12:01AM

A bygone Sephardi metropolis.

Devin Naar
Dec. 8 2016 12:01AM

And the story of its repression.

Ezgi Üstündağ
July 19 2016 12:01AM

Composing silabarios to prepare for apocalypse.

Sarah Zaides
June 29 2016 12:01AM

With some help from a congregant.

Jerry Large
Sept. 4 2015 12:01AM

An ancient community, destroyed by Hitler.

Gavin Rabinowitz
Aug. 19 2015 12:01AM

And the current state of Jewish life there.

Marcel Israel
May 29 2015 12:01AM

A nostalgic, farewell portrait of a world that was fast expiring.

André Aciman
May 12 2015 12:01AM