
The Diarna project.

Emily Feldman
Feb. 22 2017 12:01AM

How long before the "strong" Arab states of the Middle East follow Syria, Iraq, and Libya into chaos?

Jan. 26 2014 10:00PM

We don't need overhyped claims about the collapse of Sykes-Picot to see that Israel has more than enough bad options to grapple with.

Jan. 22 2014 8:57PM

The persecution of Christians across the Islamic world, vividly exemplified by the August attacks on Egyptian Copts by the Muslim Brotherhood, is reaching pandemic proportions.

Raymond Ibrahim
Nov. 13 2013 12:00AM

For as long as the Middle East both controls global oil supplies and incubates international terrorism, the United States cannot wholly leave—no matter how hard it tries.

Michael J. Totten
Nov. 6 2013 12:00AM

Survivors of the Holocaust in Europe waited two decades before their stories could be heard in Israel. Holocaust survivors from North Africa have been waiting much longer.

Eli Hazan
Nov. 5 2013 12:00AM

The 1950s saw a population-and-asset exchange between Israel and its neighbors that was tacitly recognized by Arab leaders at the time—but is conveniently ignored today.

Shaul Bartal
Oct. 25 2013 12:00AM

Human Rights Watch has been allowed to lambaste Israel with impunity while actively defending police states and tyrannical despots.

Gerald M. Steinberg
July 31 2013 12:00AM