Maimonides, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, and a medieval diagram.
And other stories of the hasidic leader and the presidents.
The rebbe, the president, and the poet.
Remembering the prince of parve.
The rebbe and the riots.
The arrest records of Levi Yitzḥak Schneerson.
How something as simple as a brief moment of reflection for schoolchildren could influence hearts and minds for the better.
Who Will Lead Us?
The late Lubavitcher Rebbe left an impressive, even awe-inspiring legacy. But he bears primary responsibility for the growth and endurance of a movement of false messianism.
Over the two decades since the death of its last leader, the Lubavitch movement has survived and flourished. What explains its success?
Taking Judaism out into the world, the late leader of Chabad matched supreme confidence in God’s plan with activism and a shrewd instinct for political reality.