
What Ernest Renan and Theodor Herzl held in common.

Feb. 5 2018 12:01AM

Many are dismayed at the recent embrace of Israel by some unsavory national leaders; Zionism’s founding father would see it as a vindication of his vision.

Dec. 21 2017 12:01AM

Can we learn anything from Hans Kohn?

Sept. 28 2017 12:01AM

The decline of the nation-state explains the West’s political crisis.

Andrew Michta
July 7 2017 12:01AM

American Jews, following American liberalism, have abandoned belief in the nation-state, non-voluntary communities, and religion in the public square.

May 18 2017 12:01AM

Is the recent upsurge of European populism a blip on the historical horizon, or the sign of a fundamental restructuring of the continent’s order?

May 1 2017 12:01AM

For whatever reason, God made people in tribes and nations.

Jan. 4 2017 12:01AM

Once again the Jewish state is ahead of the times.

Dec. 5 2016 12:01AM

Nationalism and the future of Western freedom.

Yoram Hazony and Walter Russell Mead
Nov. 8 2016 12:01AM

A society that honors and reveres nothing but individual freedom will become a society that honors and reveres nothing at all.

Sept. 29 2016 12:01AM

The Ten Commandments tell us nothing directly, and little indirectly, about the proper limits of government power. For that we must turn to John Locke.

Sept. 26 2016 12:01AM

Two political alternatives, each susceptible of deformation.

Sept. 20 2016 12:01AM

A conflict between inflamed populism and the ideology of global, technocratic empire.

Sept. 12 2016 12:01AM

A conflict is brewing over the shape of the international order. It centers around an idea—a biblical idea—long thought discredited by political elites.

Sept. 6 2016 12:01AM