What Ernest Renan and Theodor Herzl held in common.
Many are dismayed at the recent embrace of Israel by some unsavory national leaders; Zionism’s founding father would see it as a vindication of his vision.
Can we learn anything from Hans Kohn?
The decline of the nation-state explains the West’s political crisis.
American Jews, following American liberalism, have abandoned belief in the nation-state, non-voluntary communities, and religion in the public square.
Is the recent upsurge of European populism a blip on the historical horizon, or the sign of a fundamental restructuring of the continent’s order?
For whatever reason, God made people in tribes and nations.
Once again the Jewish state is ahead of the times.
Nationalism and the future of Western freedom.
A society that honors and reveres nothing but individual freedom will become a society that honors and reveres nothing at all.
The Ten Commandments tell us nothing directly, and little indirectly, about the proper limits of government power. For that we must turn to John Locke.
Two political alternatives, each susceptible of deformation.
A conflict between inflamed populism and the ideology of global, technocratic empire.
A conflict is brewing over the shape of the international order. It centers around an idea—a biblical idea—long thought discredited by political elites.