Before the final solution, there was the medical slaughter of the mentally ill and physically unfit.
The story of Klaus-Michael Kuehne.
Revisiting a talented pre-war Austrian Jewish writer.
A documentary shatters the myth that she was an apolitical artist.
The story of Marty Glickman.
Jew-hatred was a cause, not a consequence, of the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
The heavyweight’s two fateful bouts with the African American champion Joe Louis.
The philosopher believed the Jews were guilty of “self-annihilation.”
The dean of Yiddish versus Hitler’s professors.
The Nobel Peace Prize-winning college president’s troubling silence during World War II.
Gershom Scholem chose Israel; Theodor Adorno returned to Germany.
“Exposing the big lie that Israel was created as a Western colonialist outpost.”
Titans of industry are routinely honored in Germany, despite their wartime deeds.