
Rebuilding our culture with a trowel in one hand and a sword in the other.

Dec. 19 2024 12:47AM

What a news item about a pre-holiday chicken shortage reveals.

Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi and Elana Stein Hain
Sept. 28 2022 12:01AM

A strong and prosperous Israel is not an end in itself.

Sept. 2 2021 12:01AM

The sacred precinct on Mount Gerizim.

Leen Ritmeyer
Feb. 10 2021 12:01AM

“By the way, the beer isn’t bad.”

Robin Ngo
May 30 2019 12:01AM

Telltale names and positions at court.

Laurie Pearce
July 26 2018 12:01AM

Striking similarities.

Lucas Schulte
Nov. 10 2016 12:01AM

Does Ezra’s recitation of the Law to the returned exiles offer a better understanding of religious commitment, and of the authorship of the Torah, than. . .

Sam Fleischacker
Nov. 5 2013 12:00AM

For two millennia, Jews have agreed on the identity of the four species of Sukkot plants; prior to  the rabbis, though, consensus is conspicuously absent.

Sept. 24 2013 12:00AM