A message from 1973.
“Jewish advocacy, instead of augmenting traditional Jewish values, had come to crowd out those values.”
“I should like to visit Jerusalem sometime.”
Norman Lamm, Torah u-madda, and 21st-century Orthodoxy.
Norman Lamm’s elevated moderation.
The Fox and the Lamm.
To Norman Lamm, manhood is an achievement.
A look at the legacy of the man who revitalized Modern Orthodoxy and who was perhaps “the greatest composer of sermons in the English-speaking rabbinic world.”
“How God spoke is a mystery. That God spoke is of the utmost significance.”
What Judaism teaches, and Christianity does not, about hating the wicked.
And how much does its ideology matter?
What the early history of Conservative Judaism can tell us.
The outgoing chancellor of Yeshiva University should be celebrated for his immeasurable contributions to the entire Jewish world, not pilloried for a single error of judgment.