From the shamanic ceremonies of Brooklyn to the organic-cocoa-beans-and-beer sacrifices of Hawaii.
Shedding light on Canaanite culture.
In this week’s Torah reading, God feeds the people quail “until it comes out of their noses.”
Even in our increasingly post-religious age, “pagan” remains for most people a derogatory word. Why?
In the Hebrew Bible, God curses Cain after he kills Abel, and tells the Israelites that terrible curses will befall them if they do not. . .
Was human sacrifice practiced at the ruins found in modern-day Jordan? Some archaeologists are convinced of it.
A valley in Jerusalem is associated with ancient pagan fire rites and hence with sin and the underworld. What did the talmudic rabbis make of it?
Some biblical scholars interpret the story of Judah and Tamar (Genesis 38) as a case of sacred prostitution. Their reading is supported neither by textual. . .
Why do so many ancient synagogue mosaics in Israel feature pagan symbols? (2012)