How Alvin Plantinga cleared the way for the philosophy of religion.
In defense of Aquinas and Maimonides.
Even in America, religion can inform law.
Via Wittgenstein.
Few biblical books have engendered as much analysis or philosophical discussion as the story of Job. A recent “biography” of the title character, by Mark. . .
The Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor, widely considered one of today’s foremost thinkers, is unusual in that he has never hidden his Catholic beliefs and has. . .
The national debate over inequality is shaped by a deeper struggle over political, moral, and, in the end, religious convictions about the American project.
Hanukkah reminds us that while both the Hebrew prophets and the Greek philosophers had a divine mission, the mission was not the same. (1967)
The incompatibility of reason and revelation may be a modern fetish; to the ancients, the medievals, and even the early moderns, there was such. . .
William Lane Craig, evangelical Christianity’s answer to the New Atheists, has his philosophical opponents on the run.
“There is nothing paradoxical about disbelieving the historical claim that the Torah was given to Moses from heaven . . . and believing it as a point of faith.”