From medieval Worms to colonial New York.
David Meyer Wald, of blessed memory.
The 9th-century siddur from which all others descend.
Wax stains from fast days gone by.
Penitential prayers from Piove di Sacco.
For many survivors, religious faith continued uninterrupted during and after the Shoah.
Using six medieval manuscripts.
Loyal as Moses?
And what it says about the origins of English Jewry.
The maḥzor from the 1890s to the present.
On exhibit in Jerusalem is a 9th-century prayer book with portions of the Sabbath prayers, hymns, and the Haggadah. It is from the collection of. . .
Antique Hebrew prayer books discovered in a Dutch synagogue bear pencil markings that show a surprising continuity in ritual practice from then till now.