
“What to me is the multitude of your sacrifices?”

Jeremiah Unterman
March 2 2023 12:01AM

“They cannot be a light unto other nations who denigrate their own.”

Howard Jacobson
Feb. 9 2023 12:01AM

Moses inaugurated Jewish national independence. The prophet Jeremiah comes to oversee its collapse.

Jan. 17 2020 12:01AM

A lesson from Jeremiah.

Oct. 28 2019 12:01AM

Why the northern kingdom provoked the prophets’ ire.

Ron E. Tappy
Jan. 24 2017 12:01AM

The book of Malachi, read on the Sabbath before Passover, marks the moment in Jewish history when priestly authority gave way to rabbinic judgment.

April 13 2016 12:01AM

A voice of “blazing heat and pellucid clarity,” Nahum reminds us that, like justice and love, vengeance is an element of God’s being.

March 10 2016 12:01AM

The “exodus tradition.”

Brian Britt
Feb. 29 2016 12:01AM

One of the most famous moments in his prophetic career.

Shai Held
July 10 2015 12:01AM

One of many shrines thought by local Jews to be the resting places of biblical figures.

Sheren Khalel and Matthew Vickery
June 5 2015 12:01AM

The tenth day of the Hebrew month of Tevet (this year, January 1), is one of the more obscure and poorly understood dates on the. . .

Jeffrey Woolf
Dec. 31 2014 12:01AM

The prophets repeatedly denounced their fellow Jews for worshiping at bamot (singular bamah), usually translated as “high places.” Yet other biblical passages seem to suggest. . .

Ellen White
Oct. 24 2014 12:01AM

Called to save the union, President Lincoln drew upon the Hebrew prophets, the New Testament as interpreted by St. Augustine, and the Baptists among whom he grew up. 

Timothy George
Feb. 12 2014 12:01AM