The end of the mainline.
Marcion, Schleiermacher, and the theory that the Old and New Testaments refer to different gods.
The UCC, in its decline, lashes out at Israel.
The intense spiritual hunger of the woke.
Modernists, fundamentalists, and missionaries.
Against imperialism from Assyria to the EU.
The message of the scandal of particularity.
And what they mean for Israel.
Marilynne Robinson asks what we are doing here.
“The Israeli occupation of Palestinian land is a sin against God and humanity.”
Its General Synod is about to consider three anti-Israel resolutions.
For almost 100 years, the Christian Century has been a major publication of mainstream American Protestantism. During the 1930s and 40s, it distinguished itself by. . .
In their zeal to delegitimize Israel, some mainline Protestant churches, joined by an alarming cohort of evangelicals, are busily traducing both truth and history.
Evangelical Christians have been ardent and loyal supporters of Israel since its founding. That is beginning to change.