An ex-Soviet writer gets a feeling of déjà vu.
Mahmoud Abbas’s dissertation, and the “Zionologists” behind it.
One cheer for the former dictator.
The tsaddik of Leningrad.
“The freedom of enslaved people is America’s business.”
The Jewish leader recalls his upbringing in Soviet Russia and explains what inspired him to return to the land from which his family fled.
Seder in the gulag.
So long as you engage in doublethink, you can’t be truly free.
The struggle for Jewish dignity that once sparked Jewish pride in millions is slipping from memory.
Meet Barbara Oberman.
Reflections on the anniversary of the celebrated refusenik’s release.
With the help of an “Esperanto” club.
It is not racism to deny honoring her.
A lesson from the experience of Soviet dissidents.