
A new book finds that religious children do better in school than their nonreligious counterparts. The author joins us to explain why.

April 8 2022 12:01AM

The Astronomer, the rescue of Moses, and two aspects of wonder.

Chaim Brovender
Feb. 7 2022 12:01AM

Ethical, philosophical, geopolitical, and religious implications.

Henry Kissinger, Eric Schmidt and Daniel Huttenlocher
Dec. 20 2021 12:01AM

Various studies seem to suggest it can.

Jonathan Ford Hughes
July 22 2021 12:01AM

The theological notions that inspired the free market’s first philosophers.

May 3 2021 12:01AM

Prayer isn’t the same across religions.

Avital Hazony Levi
April 9 2021 12:01AM

Especially in the U.S.

Jeremy Weber
Feb. 17 2021 12:01AM

“Abolish foster care”?

Malka Groden, Kathryn Lopez and Naomi Schaefer Riley
Dec. 22 2020 12:01AM

“No Jew worthy of the name ever lost hope.”

Jonathan Sacks and Robert P. George
Oct. 23 2020 12:01AM

A devout Christian finds comfort in these tales of ḥasidic rebels.

Wesley Hill
Aug. 13 2020 12:01AM

Law professors are among the least religious of university faculty.

Mark Movsesian
June 30 2020 12:01AM