In Britain, people seem to take it on faith that to have faith is stupid.
Among the unbelievers.
Richard Dawkins vs. the progressive faith.
Leviticus’ universal commandment.
The term “new atheism” generally refers to the claims, made prominent by Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and others, that religion is both objectively false and. . .
New atheists like Richard Dawkins are not only religiously illiterate; they’re also ignorant of their forebears, for whom the “death of God” was a rightly fearsome prospect.
An eminent primatologist has entered the debate between evolutionary biology and religion over the innateness of the moral sense—on the side of religion.
The autobiography of the militant atheist Richard Dawkins betrays a positively religious zeal for Charles Darwin, atheism, and, above all, himself.
The British Left is fine with attacks on Christianity, but hates Richard Dawkins, the evolutionary biologist and militant atheist, for attacking Islam too.
“The atheist claims to know that there is no God; the agnostic admits that he is uncertain. Put differently, an atheist is someone directly told. . .
William Lane Craig, evangelical Christianity’s answer to the New Atheists, has his philosophical opponents on the run.
The history of Europe since the 18th century has been the story of successive attempts to find alternatives to God. The costs are mounting up.