Is there anywhere a Jew can live without being a settler?
A law jurists have only applied to Israel.
Why religious-Zionist settlers describe themselves as “taking over for the kibbutznikim” or “finishing the work the secular Zionists started.”
How can a state that relinquishes parts of the biblical Land of Israel be considered “absolutely sacred”?
It has less to do with ideological conviction than the fact that settlers anchor the IDF in place.
What was 50 years ago a small band of religious farmer-soldiers has grown into a varied network of nearly half a million. Who are Israel’s settlers and what do they really believe?
The racist condescension behind the double standard.
Why call it an apartment when you can call it a “settlement unit”?
The people throwing stones at Palestinians also hate the Jewish state and IDF.
Insights from Mike Pompeo’s former adviser on Israel policy.
Not a double standard, but no standard at all.
Ignoring serious crimes to focus on alleged misdeeds.
When selling bread and underwear becomes a crime.
Anti-Semitism cannot be defeated so long as the EU continues to authorize anti-Israel incitement.