The Shulhan Arukh, 450 years later.
Joseph Karo’s journeys.
The Arba’ah Turim incunabulum.
“Keep your feet inside your house.”
Shabbetai ha-Kohen’s books.
How rabbis lead from behind.
The fifth question on everyone’s mind.
The custom of swinging a chicken over one’s head on the eve of Yom Kippur, slaughtering it, and giving it to a poor family was. . .
Orthodox rabbis need to stop worrying about 200-year-old battles with “Reformers” and allow Jewish law to develop organically, as it always did in the past.
There have been two moments in the last 150 years when the assumptions behind Jewish law seemed poised to change. Nothing happened. Is today different?
Why Jewish law is more a set of guidelines than of rules.
The Jewish Legal Tradition and Its Discontents
The codification of Jewish law, argued Eliezer Berkovits, was a price that had to be paid for Jewish survival in exile; but it has turned. . .