Shulhan Arukh

The Shulhan Arukh, 450 years later.

May 23 2024 12:01AM

Joseph Karo’s journeys.

Tamar Marvin
May 25 2023 12:01AM

The Arba’ah Turim incunabulum.

Jerusalem Post
Jan. 20 2022 12:01AM

“Keep your feet inside your house.”

Jeremy Brown
March 25 2020 12:01AM

Shabbetai ha-Kohen’s books.

Prague Daily Monitor
Feb. 8 2018 12:01AM

How rabbis lead from behind.

Oct. 24 2017 12:01AM

The fifth question on everyone’s mind.

April 1 2015 12:01AM

The custom of swinging a chicken over one’s head on the eve of Yom Kippur, slaughtering it, and giving it to a poor family was. . .

Oct. 3 2014 12:01AM

Orthodox rabbis need to stop worrying about 200-year-old battles with “Reformers” and allow Jewish law to develop organically, as it always did in the past.

David Golinkin
Dec. 22 2013 8:47PM

There have been two moments in the last 150 years when the assumptions behind Jewish law seemed poised to change. Nothing happened. Is today different?

Dec. 15 2013 2:14PM

Why Jewish law is more a set of guidelines than of rules.

Dec. 8 2013 9:18PM

The Jewish Legal Tradition and Its Discontents

Dec. 1 2013 10:24PM

The codification of Jewish law, argued Eliezer Berkovits, was a price that had to be paid for Jewish survival in exile; but it has turned. . .

Aharon E. Wexler
June 21 2013 12:00AM