Tisha b’Av in Catalonia, and a torrent of emotion.
“A Jew I am, and a Jew will I remain.”
Jews return to Catania.
Exiled from Portugal to Saõ Tomé.
And a Portuguese return to Judaism.
Joseph Karo’s journeys.
After being converted into a church, a hospital, and then a bar.
A new Torah scroll, 530 years after the expulsion.
These Sephardi “romances” tell both personal and national stories.
Twelve-century-old mikvahs and a drowned cemetery.
In recent months, it rejected over 3,000 requests.
Anglo-Saxon males do not know how to cry—with the result that, on the odd occasion that they do, they may not know how to stop.
The statesman, rabbi, and businessman who led Spanish Jewry through its most tragic period.
Although the population is less than a tenth of its 15th-century peak.