Driven indoors during times of persecution.
An ancient prayer for rain mentions an angel named Af-bri. But where did he come from?
Beyond the denial of death.
The palm frond and the sword.
A halakhic requirement for the work-from-home era.
“The etrog was used as a weapon with which to pelt one’s enemies and as an amulet to soften the pains of childbirth.”
A moveable festival.
The philosopher joins us to offer a look at a biblical book whose philosophical premises encompass the modern condition.
Hordes of Jewish pilgrims came to Jerusalem and experienced the Temple’s “wow effect.”
A Thanksgiving sermon.
Gog and Magog at Nuremburg.
The real meaning of Shmini Atseret.
Surprisingly unchanging.
Reflections on the anniversary of the celebrated refusenik’s release.