
The origins of an ancient custom.

Assaf Golan
Jan. 8 2025 12:01AM

May your horse be blocked like Balaam’s ass!

Amanda Borschel-Dan
May 17 2018 12:01AM

Could populist rage be a symptom of a post-Christian society?

David French
July 31 2017 12:01AM

From the shamanic ceremonies of Brooklyn to the organic-cocoa-beans-and-beer sacrifices of Hawaii.

July 14 2017 12:01AM

And where did modern Hebrew get its word for one?

Elon Gilad
Feb. 16 2016 12:01AM

Why are secular Norwegians chasing ghosts?

Oct. 27 2015 12:01AM

Why is there a prohibition against drinking water during solstices?

Natan Slifkin
July 14 2015 12:01AM

The practice of spitting three times to ward off the evil eye is ingrained in the traditional superstitions of Jews—and of countless other peoples.

May 20 2014 12:01AM