The late Supreme Court justice’s patriotic reflections.
An upcoming Supreme Court case could have profound effects on American religious communities. Does the nature of Jewish law offer a unique perspective on the question at hand?
Even “neutral rules” could be used against kosher slaughter and circumcision.
Even when espoused by Jewish groups.
Misunderstanding Fulton v. City of Philadelphia.
Victories for Christians are also victories for religious minorities.
Why Uzuegbunam v. Preczewski matters.
Realism, shmealism.
Requiring more than minimal accommodation.
States can impose restrictions on houses of worship, so long as they are not discriminatory.
Finding a balance between public health and the First Amendment.
A recent Supreme Court case could overthrow 30 years of bad precedent.
No handmaids they.
A leading constitutional scholar joins Mosaic’s editor for a discussion on the history of religious liberty in the United States and the legal debate surrounding the free-exercise clause.