The myth that blames today’s problems on European colonialism.
The original nakba had nothing to do with the Zionists.
Redrawing the map would just repeat the mistakes of the past.
Debunking the myths.
Until it was revoked.
Tyrants, not borders, are the problem.
Don’t blame the treaty for the Middle East’s problems.
If Israel can survive, why can’t an Assyrian Christian state?
A new book upends conventional wisdom.
Britain and France tried and failed to divide Turkey.
As the conventional wisdom would have it?
Toward the end of World War I, Chaim Weizmann, head of the World Zionist Organization and later the first president of Israel, established cordial relations. . .
The terrorist “Islamic State in Iraq and Sham” aims to erase the borders drawn by France and England after World War I. So far, all. . .
A group lobbying the British government to apologize for the Balfour Declaration claims not to oppose Israel's right to exist. The claim is empty.