Theodor Herzl

Though he was blessed with extraordinary charisma, Herzl was filled with inner turmoil. In Zionism, he found a calling that stabilized his fragile persona.

Jan. 11 2021 12:05AM

A young secular Viennese writer had an experience 125 years ago that would lead him to change Jewish history forever. He could never explain it. Can anyone else?

Jan. 4 2021 12:01AM

Taking stock of a great Jewish leader.

Joseph Epstein
Aug. 24 2020 12:01AM

Reading the Bible as a justification for liberty.

May 19 2020 12:01AM

From Herzl to Daniel arap Moi.

David Silverstein
March 5 2020 12:01AM

Isaac Jacob Reines.

Channa Lockshin Bob
Jan. 9 2020 12:01AM

In the hope of reducing Israel to what he sees as its proper dimensions, a historian has cherrypicked facts.

Sept. 23 2019 12:01AM

A full English translation of the minutes of the first Zionist Congress is finally available, allowing an engrossing reconstruction of the momentous scene.

Aug. 28 2019 12:01AM

Rabbi Judah Solomon Alkalai, the Herzl of Sarajevo.

Ashley Perry
May 30 2019 12:01AM

At each point—1897, 1917, and 1947—one Jewish leader appeared, and showed greatness.

May 7 2019 12:01AM

Learning a lesson from Theodor Herzl.

Gol Kalev
Feb. 11 2019 12:01AM

Jewish athletes have won more Olympic medals for fencing than for any other sport.

Robert Rockaway
Jan. 30 2019 12:01AM

For Herzl, Zionism was not merely about providing an escape from anti-Semitism.

Nov. 29 2018 12:01AM

The train ride Theodor Herzl called “torture.”

Oct. 19 2018 12:01AM