Though he was blessed with extraordinary charisma, Herzl was filled with inner turmoil. In Zionism, he found a calling that stabilized his fragile persona.
A young secular Viennese writer had an experience 125 years ago that would lead him to change Jewish history forever. He could never explain it. Can anyone else?
Taking stock of a great Jewish leader.
Reading the Bible as a justification for liberty.
From Herzl to Daniel arap Moi.
Isaac Jacob Reines.
In the hope of reducing Israel to what he sees as its proper dimensions, a historian has cherrypicked facts.
A full English translation of the minutes of the first Zionist Congress is finally available, allowing an engrossing reconstruction of the momentous scene.
Rabbi Judah Solomon Alkalai, the Herzl of Sarajevo.
At each point—1897, 1917, and 1947—one Jewish leader appeared, and showed greatness.
Learning a lesson from Theodor Herzl.
Jewish athletes have won more Olympic medals for fencing than for any other sport.
For Herzl, Zionism was not merely about providing an escape from anti-Semitism.
The train ride Theodor Herzl called “torture.”