The response must go beyond law enforcement.
MbZ goes to Washington.
They’re afraid Washington will go wobbly again.
Businesses in Turkey, millions of dollars of real estate in the UAE, and now an outpost in Spain.
Perhaps the United Arab Emirates can.
Current efforts are exacerbating the problem.
Bashar al-Assad won’t change his ways.
Aided by the Abraham Accords.
Reassurances from the U.S. could prevent a destabilizing arms race.
With Washington in retreat, New Delhi sees a need to step in.
The UAE’s changes to its school curriculum are welcome—with a grain of salt.
Forget Iran. The red palm weevil could be the enemy that brings Israelis and Arabs together.
The Saudis and Emiratis would prefer an alliance with the U.S., but only if it steps up.
As usual, the experts get things backwards.