An insider’s view.
Preserving the “uncompromisable standards of human conduct . . . the West has derived from and through the Jews.”
Misdirected anger.
Invoking Title VI.
Anti-Semitism is a symptom.
An open letter to the president of Harvard.
“Men butchered legions of people in your name. Hooray for them and hooray for you!”
Current policies for ensuring diversity look a lot like those used to keep Jews out.
The Marranos of anti-Zionism.
Nearly a dozen student groups signed a statement defending Palestinian terrorism.
Young people entering universities should arrive with a strong moral sense.
If you feel you are unfairly taking the flak for Israel, don’t forget that Israel unfairly takes the flak for you.
When an administrator at Columbia told Jewish students to violate Rosh Hashanah.
Can these institutions maintain their commitment to traditional sexual morality in the face of changing civil-rights law?