The terrorist-infested organization does a disservice to Palestinians by refusing to cooperate.
Instead, the Biden administration issues exemptions from anti-terrorism legislation.
Nine employees moonlighting for Hamas are the least of its problems.
UNRWA’s problems go beyond support for terrorism.
Hamas and UNRWA: a match made in hell.
Stopping UNRWA indoctrination is a prerequisite for peace.
The organization now has a revolving-door arrangement with UNRWA.
Israel’s northern neighbor keeps its Palestinian population in poverty and isolation.
UNRWA refuses to solve its anti-Semitism problem.
A corrupt organization that wastes money, helps terrorists, and prolongs the conflict.
UNRWA is entangled with terrorism and spreads anti-Semitism.
You can praise Hitler, just don’t mention that teachers at UN-run schools are praising Hitler.
Why not restore funding with conditions?
An UNRWA official created a sensation by telling the truth.