The first Viennese Jew mentioned by name was murdered by Crusaders.
“You know what’s worse than a microaggression? A macroaggression.”
Who once was.
Lueger Temporary is little more than an “elementary-school collage.”
“I can heartily recommend the Gestapo to everyone.”
“They mean to burn our books, and us along with them.”
“A sign of my appreciation towards . . . the poet and fighter for our people’s human rights.”
Yeshiva University students joined the Viennese Jewish community’s humanitarian efforts.
A Jewish success story—even if they never controlled the weather or created space lasers.
Karl Lueger inspired Theodor Herzl and Adolf Hitler—in very different ways.
“There are many people with bad manners, but the Jews stand out.”
We must hope that this week’s rude awakening does not lead to a resurgence of past horrors.
How anti-Semites pitted Wittgenstein’s “Jewish mathematicality” against the thought of Heidegger.
Samuel Greenberg.