Contrary to conventional wisdom, terrorists don’t moderate just because they have to fulfil the normal obligations of civic governance.
Reports of civilian casualties come without context—because the Pentagon isn’t providing it.
Those who wish to wage jihad against the U.S. have received a moral and logistical boost.
A penetrating conversation.
The U.S. should learn from its mistakes in Iraq.
A debate that doesn’t strike fear in the hearts of jihadists.
The two groups won’t be making peace any time soon.
Politics and perceptions can count more than what happens on the battlefield.
For the terrorist group, the coronavirus is an opportunity.
The crown prince won’t admit there was ever a problem.
Laugh, marry, light Sabbath candles—and look to C.S. Lewis for guidance.
Giving the Taliban an advantage and the Mumbai murderers a pass.
Fighting terrorism and developing military technology.