War on Terror

Contrary to conventional wisdom, terrorists don’t moderate just because they have to fulfil the normal obligations of civic governance.

Colin Clarke
Dec. 30 2021 12:01AM

Reports of civilian casualties come without context—because the Pentagon isn’t providing it.

Thomas Joscelyn
Dec. 24 2021 12:01AM

Those who wish to wage jihad against the U.S. have received a moral and logistical boost.

Matthew Continetti
Aug. 23 2021 12:01AM

The war isn’t over.

April 16 2021 12:01AM

The U.S. should learn from its mistakes in Iraq.

Noah Rothman
Oct. 26 2020 12:01AM

A debate that doesn’t strike fear in the hearts of jihadists.

Liam Duffy
July 21 2020 12:01AM

The two groups won’t be making peace any time soon.

Thomas Joscelyn
May 19 2020 12:01AM

Politics and perceptions can count more than what happens on the battlefield.

Douglas Feith and Shaul Chorev
May 7 2020 12:01AM

For the terrorist group, the coronavirus is an opportunity.

Jonathan Spyer
April 21 2020 12:01AM

The crown prince won’t admit there was ever a problem.

Ilan Berman
March 25 2020 12:01AM

Laugh, marry, light Sabbath candles—and look to C.S. Lewis for guidance.

March 16 2020 12:01AM

Giving the Taliban an advantage and the Mumbai murderers a pass.

Michael Rubin
Feb. 25 2020 12:01AM

Fighting terrorism and developing military technology.

Bradley Bowman and Andrew Gabel
Nov. 11 2019 12:01AM