World War I

A long-awaited kaddish.

Troy Fritzhand
Feb. 2 2024 12:01AM

A joyous tune for a baleful year.

June 2 2023 12:01AM

Erich von Falkenhayn, Jamal Pasha, and a narrow escape.

May 10 2023 12:01AM

Setting the record straight about Versailles, Weimar, and Hitler.

Kyle Orton
March 13 2023 12:01AM

An official report likened the ouster of the Turks to the defeat of the Seleucid Greeks by the Maccabees.

Dec. 13 2022 12:01AM

World Wars I, II, and III.

Donald Kagan
Aug. 11 2021 12:01AM

The Kaiser’s jihad.

Wolfgang Schwanitz
March 12 2021 12:01AM

When Allenby marched into Jerusalem.

Larry Domnitch
Dec. 14 2020 12:01AM

A city where Jews were once the majority.

Sarah Abrevaya Stein
May 13 2020 12:01AM

Hermann Struck’s World War I.

Amit Naor
March 19 2020 12:01AM

Tel Hai’s other hero.

Amit Naor
March 9 2020 12:01AM

The Star of David men.

Jan. 7 2020 12:01AM